The Minister for Early Childhood Education and Minister for Youth of Australia, Dr. Anne Aly, Attended the Inauguration of the #AussieBanget Corner at Undiknas
Denpasar – Friday, September 2, 2022, in the inauguration of the #AUSSIEBANGET Corner which took place at the Library of Building A, Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) Denpasar. The Australian Minister for Early Childhood Education and Minister for Youth, Dr. Anne Aly MP was present to inaugurate the #AUSSIEBANGET Corner together with Rector of Undiknas Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. (2/9/2022).
Minister Aly and his staff arrived at Undiknas at 12:00 WITA. Her arrival was warmly welcomed by the Rector of Undiknas, Professor Sri Subawa accompanied by the Vice-Rectors. The inauguration of the #AUSSIEBANGET Corner was opened with remarks from the Rector of Undiknas. He expressed his gratitude for the presence of Minister Aly at the event. In his speech session, the Rector also said that Undiknas as a university continues to grow and always makes improvements in all lines to provide quality education to the community. In order to achieve achievements towards a world-class university, Undiknas has collaborated with several universities abroad, one of which is Edith Cowan University Australia. The collaboration that has been established is to provide a new educational experience for Undiknas students.

In line with this, Minister Aly in her opening session said that she was proud to be present at Undiknas at the inauguration of the #AUSSIEBANGET Corner. For her, education is the main key to the future success of a child, not only in University but at every level. Early childhood education is a basic thing that must also be considered for children as their initial foundation in gaining knowledge. Through the #AUSSIEBANGET Corner inauguration, it is hoped that it can broaden the horizons of students at Undiknas in all existing aspects. #AUSSIEBANGET Corner also provides an opportunity for students to experience and understand the culture of the people in Australia through the books that have been given.

After the welcoming session ended, the inauguration ceremony continued with ribbon-cutting activities carried out by Minister Aly together with the Undiknas Rector as an official sign of the #AUSSIEBANGET Corner at Undiknas, followed by the exchange of mementos between Minister Aly and Undiknas. Then the activity was continued with a question and answer session with Minister Aly by international students who were also present at the inauguration ceremony. The event closed with a photo session with all levels of the academic community who were also present at the inauguration of the #AUSSIEBANGET Corner.
Through the #AUSSIEBANGET Corner at Undiknas, it is hoped that it can provide a reference in learning for students, and can be a starting point for those who intend to continue their education in Australia to get an idea of the atmosphere and culture of education in the kangaroo country. It is hoped that the cooperation between Undiknas and universities in Australia can always be closely and harmoniously intertwined.