International Company Visit Batch 1 in Collaboration with HELP University: Through the Land of Indigenous Malay
Malaysia – Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas University) through the International Office unit in collaboration with HELP University, carried out the International Company Visit Batch 1 for the 2022 period to Malaysia. The international company visit was attended by a total of 24 students ranging from all faculties in Undiknas. Students’ enthusiasm to participate in this program can be seen through the many questions that come in via DM Instagram undiknas.international asking whether there are still available slots left.

The international company visit batch 1 is also attended by the Head of International Office, Mr. Ida Nyoman Basmantra, S.Pd., M.Pd, M.M., together with the Head of Information Development System, Mr. Ir. Gede Humaswara Prathama, S.T., M.T. They accompany students as the implementing committee of this program.

The series of international company visit batch 1 lasted for four days. After landing their feet in Malaysia, the participant went to the Petronas Towers. The participants can admire the beauty of one of Malaysia’s icons at night which is also known as the Petronas Twin Towers. Aside from Petronas Towers, they also went on a night city tour. On the second day, the participants went to visit international companies in Malaysia and attended Entrepreneurship Workshop at HELP University. Before joining the workshop, they first went on a campus tour at HELP University. The participants then continue their journey of exploring the land of Kuala Lumpur by visiting other renowned icons on the third day. Then, they got the opportunity to visit the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Kuala Lumpur on the last day of their visit. The participants were warmly welcomed and had a fruitful discussion with Bapak Yoshi Iskandar, the Minister Counsellor of Social and Culture Affairs.

Through the International Company Visit Batch 1, it is hoped that participants can gain new insights regarding how a business and industry work in producing products or services. By introducing students to the world of business and industry, it is hoped that this program can provide new ideas for students in developing their abilities so that they can become professionals or business pioneers that produce highly competitive products in the market.