Enrichment Program 2022: UNDIKNAS Goes to Australia!
Monday, 01st of August 2022 – Undiknas University departed to Australia in a series of International Enrichment Program 2022. Enrichment Program is an implementation program of Undiknas University and Edith Cowan University Australia since 2017. This program is an international-based program that is held annually by UNDIKNAS and must be followed by students of the International Class Program. This Enrichment program lasted for a week involving 24 students in the 5th semester who were accompanied by Head of International Office Ida Nyoman Basmantra, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.M.
This Enrichment activity has been fully supported by the Rector of Undiknas University. The agenda for International Class students were begun with receiving a warm welcome at Edith Cowan University, Joondalup Campus. Students were warmly welcomed in the orientation event as their first activity when they were there. They were enthusiastic about participating in the activities that had been held for them. Meanwhile, the students had the opportunity to get to know extraordinary lecturers and have the opportunity to get international experience directly at Edith Cowan University Australia.