Mahidol University: Focus Group Discussion and Academic Programs Introduction
Mahidol University organized a Focus Group Discussion and Academic Programs Introduction in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at Undiknas University. This event was one of the implementations of the Memorandum of Understanding that had been agreed upon and signed during Undiknas University’s 93rd Graduation Ceremony the day before. The event was attended by Asst. Prof. Dr. Nawatch Surinkul, Dean Representative of the Faculty of Engineering, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trakarn Prapaspongsa, Director of the International PhD Program in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, Asst. Prof. Dr. Wasaporn Techapeeraparnich, Director of the Bachelor of Engineering Program in Civil Engineering and representative of the International Master Program in Civil Engineering, and Ms. Sulinda Nuanprasong, Secretary. All four of them are from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University.

The first activity was opened with a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) attended by Ir. Agus Putu Abiyasa B.Eng., Ph.D., IPM., the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, along with the heads of study programs and lecturers. The participants discussed a variety of potential collaborations, including joint conferences, joint research, open recruitment for lecturers who will pursue PhDs, and scholarship opportunities. The discussions were productive, and both parties expressed their enthusiasm for working together. The FGD was concluded with a group photo at the Undiknas Library.

Subsequently, the activities continued with the Academic Programs Introduction session attended by students and lecturers held in the Undiknas theater room. Mahidol University representatives presented a variety of programs, including engineering, computer science, and others. Several students and lecturers who were interested in the programs asked questions to the representatives. The Q&A session was interactive and informative.
Ideas flowed, knowledge was exchanged, and bonds were formed, signaling the commencement of a partnership that would open up exciting new collaborations. It is hoped that this event can be a good starting point for a more fruitful collaboration between Undiknas University and Mahidol University.