The Rector of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Officially Opens the International Management Accountant Conference
Denpasar – International Management Accountant Conference (IMAC) is an international event to accommodate management accounting professionals to share and exchange experiences and discuss various strategic topics currently happening in society and the world. In 2022, the Institute of Certified Management Accountant (ICMA) Australia will be the organizer. As part of the commitment and form of support for implementing the G20 which has taken place previously. IMAC was held at Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas University) with the theme “Green Investment & the Frontiers of Management Accounting”.
The Rector of Undiknas University who was present at the IMAC 2022 series of activities, officially opened the IMAC 2022 series of activities on Monday, November 28 2022. In his remarks Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. ASEAN. Eng., said, “We are optimistic all the attendants would manage to use this forum to discuss and achieve a critical and sustainable solution to build a green industrial area,” said Professor Sri Subawa.

The holding of the IMAC 2022 forum is an essential moment in discussing steps to address current economic disruptions, the green movement in various aspects is the first step in organizing industrial activities based on sustainability.
IMAC 2022 was successfully held thanks to the support of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, PT Pertamina (Persero), the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, and more than 20 related institutions such as professional organizations, universities and educational startups involved in it. Taking place in a hybrid manner at the Dwi Tunggal Auditorium, Undiknas University, as well as via Zoom Meeting the conference was attended by delegates and important figures in the fields of economics and accounting. Among them, Main Director of BEI Drs. Iman Rachman, MBA., Australian Embassy Aziz Ladha, MBA., ICMA President Prof. Brendan O’Connell, Global CEO of ICMA Prof. Janek Ratnatunga, Global CFO and ICMA COO Dr. Chris D’Souza, President of ICMA Indonesia Daniel Godwin Sihotang, CA, CMA, CIBA, CBV., Representatives from the Association of Indonesian Accountants (IAI), as well as representatives from each institution and university in Bali.

IMAC 2022 series of activities are filled with an appreciation agenda for figures who have contributed to the development of the Indonesian economy, Presentation of material regarding strategic steps, and views on sustainability through the application of green investment in the current world of economy and industry.
Professor Sri Subawa also said, “We expect that the development of green investment and environmental preservation will be covered according to the appropriate scientific principle and able to contribute to the environment and society.”
Through the implementation of the IMAC 2022 forum at Undiknas University, it is hoped that it will produce a solution in developing and implementing Green Investment and Environmental Preservation in the industrial world.