MOU Signing: IQRA University
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Signing Ceremony between UNDIKNAS University and IQRA University, Pakistan was held on Wednesday, 7th of December 2022 at Social Laboratory, Smart Solution Hall, UNDIKNAS.

Prof. Dr. Wasim Qazi as the President / Vice Chancellor of IQRA University, came directly to Bali accompanied by other delegates. This event was also attended by the Indonesian Consulate General in Karachi, Dr. June Kuncoro Hadiningrat, SE, MS.c, MS.i., via Zoom Meeting. Prof. Wasim stated how thankful he was for the warm welcome and appreciated Undiknas for using historical figures as the name of each classroom. It indicates how Undiknas is ready to become a world-class university aside from its outstanding programs and facilities.

There are five essential points listed in the MoU, namely: (a) students inbound and outbound exchange; (b) faculty exchange and sharing the knowledge; (c) joint research projects and publications and collaborative conferences; (d) working on sustainable development goals (SDGs); and (e) joint Global academic programs. Both universities also have a great and fruitful discussion related to any future program or collaboration to be implemented. Thus, the two established institutions are jointly united to achieve these highly aspired objectives and collaboration.