International Conference (Call for Paper: Economy Fun Week 9.0)
The International Conference (Call for Paper) has taken place on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at the Undiknas University Dwi Tunggal Auditorium. This International Seminar is one of a series of events in Economy Fun Week 9.0. The theme carried at this event was “Optimizing A Role Of The Younger Generation To Be A Savvy Entrepreneur In Industrial Revolution 4.0”. This event is carried out in a hybrid way, which is both offline and online meeting. The participants who took part in this seminar came directly to Undiknas or participated through a zoom meeting.
This seminar was opened directly by the Rektor of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (UNDIKNAS), Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM and accompanied by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni Dr. I Made Wirya Darma S.H., M.H., CCD, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Raka Suardana, S.E., M.M. and Vice Dean For Student Affairs Of FEB, Desak Made Febri Purnama Sari, S.E., M.M.
This event invited three speakers who are experts in their fields. The three Keynote speakers are: Dr. Ir. Sevenpri Candra., S.Ikom., M.M., ASEAN Eng. (BINUS University, Jakarta) who came directly to Undiknas University to deliver his material, Professor Pi-Shen Seet (Edith Cowan University, Australia) and Associate Professor Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta, PhD. (Edith Cowan University, Australia) who delivered their material online via Zoom Meeting.
After the lunch break, then this event continued with Call For Paper. In this Call For Paper event, several participants who have been selected will present the articles they have submitted to the committee for review. There are three reviewers who will later help reviewing the articles that have been made, namely: Dr. Gine Das Prena MSi, CA, CSRA, CMA, CFMA, CAPM, CPA, I Made Sindhu Yoga S.E., M.B.A, Gusi Putu Lestara Permana S.E., M.ACC., Ak. This Call For Paper is carried out with a Hybird system and strict health protocols.