Increasing Publication on an International Scale, Universitas Pendidikan Nasional establishes Collaboration with the International Center for ASEANA Management Singapore
Singapore – Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas University) responds to the global era where the need for knowledge and technology continues to increase. In November 2022, the Rector of Undiknas University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. ASEAN. Eng. attended a meeting with the International Center for ASEANA Management (iCAM) Singapore.
The meeting took place at the iCAM office located at Oxley Biz Hub, Ubi Road 1, Singapore. Prof. Dr. John Vong, BA, MBA, CPA, Ph.D. as Associate Director of the International Center for ASEANA Management, warmly welcomed the arrival of the Rector of Undiknas University. Accompanied by the Head of International Office, Mr. Ida Nyoman Basmantra S.Pd., M.Pd., the agenda for the meeting was filled with the signing of the MoU as the first step in the cooperation agreement forged between the two parties.

iCAM itself is an agency that will later provide direction and training to lecturers at the Undiknas University in writing, researching, and also publishing in journals. Therefore, through the strategic collaboration established between the National University of Education and iCAM Singapore, it is hoped that it will spur the performance of lecturers in producing writings that can be published in internationally accredited journals.
So, through the collaboration that has been established, both parties agree to be able to jointly implement the best training that can increase the publication of articles in reputable international scale journals. As the Rector, Professor Sri Subawa proclaimed that Undiknas University would continue to grow and develop through excellent international standard programs and skilled and competent resources towards a World Class University.