Scholarship Opportunity: Full-degree for International Students of Academic Year 2022/2023
Rector of Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas University), Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM., opens opportunities for the best prospective students from various countries around the world to come and study at Undiknas University through the Full-degree Scholarship program. This scholarship program will later be given to prospective foreign students who have met the qualified criteria. Registration for new foreign students has been opened for the new academic year 2022/2023 with requirements that certainly make it easier for students to register. This is an excellent opportunity for foreign students who want to continue their studies in Indonesia, especially in Bali. Foreign students who will receive this scholarship will later receive free tuition fees while pursuing their study in the Undiknas University undergraduate program, pocket money, and living accommodation. The scholarship program offered by Undiknas is a fully funded scholarship.
Foreign students who join this scholarship program will be enrolled in the Undiknas International Class, which is divided into two programs, namely: International Accounting & Finance (accredited A) International Business Management (accredited A). The degree that will be obtained is Sarjana Manajemen (S.M.) or equivalent to Bachelor of Management for International Business Management program and Sarjana Akuntansi (S.Ak.) or equivalent to Bachelor of Accounting for International Accounting & Finance. The duration needed to complete full studies at Undiknas is 3,5 years to 4 years. The International Business Management Bachelor Program provides opportunities for careers with a focus on graduates who are qualified in International Entrepreneurship, International Business and Marketing, Human Capital and Leadership, Professional managers with the implementation of strategic global leadership. Meanwhile, graduates of the International Accounting and Finance Bachelor Program will also be born into Professional Business Accountants, International Accountants, Financial Analysts. For foreign students who are interested in registering and participating in the Full-degree scholarship program or want to find out more information, you can access it at the following link https://internationaloffice.undiknas.ac.id/full-degree-scholarship-program/.